The Advanced Teachers Track is a format that focuses on the individual development and maturation of each Holistic Dance teacher. Independence, professional experience and commitment are prerequisites for supporting an Advanced Teacher in this setting.
advanced pedagogical contents taught
supports client-oriented processes
stimulated and implemented the identity clarification of the Holistic Dance Teacher
Structures, content, organization and implementation clarified
Topics related to the teaching of the different groups of participants at the respective levels of experience in greater depth
instructed concrete exercise settings and research structures
In a group of no more than 8 participants within a period of 8 months, the participants may draw on the entire scope of the Holistic Dance Pedagogy, experience detailed individual support for their own professional development and develop their full potential as a holistic dance educator.
Prerequisite: Completion and Certificate Teachers Training + Completion and Certificate Embodiment Training
This vessel...
was and is large, mobile, full of juicy growth-promoting ingredients. Cheers!
Advanced Teachers Training No. 2