Guestteacher and Cofounder of Holistic Dance Institute
Martina is an occupational therapist (VEÖ,1988) with specialisation in Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy(R), dance-movement therapist (tiefenpsychologische Tanz- und Ausdruckstherapie - InTAT, BTA, 2001) and an integrative and interpersonal childrens therapist (IIK – integrative und interpersonelle Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie, ökids, 2008).
She is co-owner of the private group practise specializing for children and their families since 1994 (Gemeinschaftspraxis für Kinder, www.schlickgasse4.at).
She has more than 30 years of experience working with children with physical and/or mental diabilities, particularly on the autism spectrum, leading workshops and regularly groups for men and women, creative dance workshops (TanzExperience), workshops in laban movement analysis and in dancetherapy.
As a Hatha Yogateacher, Martina offers regular live and online classes through her Yoga8-studio.
Martina is a cofounder of the Holistic Dance Institute. She has been teaching Authentic Movement since 2010 together with Sabine Parzer in the Holistic Dance Teachers Trainings and Retreats.