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Deep Blue Sea

22.-24.11.2024 - Weekendworkshop - open for all

  • Starts 22. Nov.
  • €240,- / TT's €190,-
  • Prana Yoga Studio, Mariahilfer Str. 82, 1070 Wien, Austria

Available spots

Service Description

The Deep Blue Sea: Unwinding the Unknown is an invitation to feel, move and release into the depth of our being. Finding movement, compositional creative choices, expression through voice, touch and full body engagement is the goal, but not a must. We invite a sense of universality, a deep inner space to connect and to source from. This workshop expresses my need to create a safe space, where we invite sensorial awareness, internal anatomical understanding, exploration of unconscious movement and emotional states, cellular body memories of different ages and developments. Through dance, movement and touch related practices, we can find a deeper sense of ourselves. In this high-paced, crisis-ridden and unstable time, I believe we need spaces where we can find safety, inner anchors and orientation in ourselves and in community. We need a container to unwind tension from the outside as well as what has been stored inside. We invite our personal and collective wisdom to articulate in a non-linear way, in a way we can activate resources to contribute to the processing of these contents. This provides a schooling for ourselves and helps our nervous systems find rest. We work with anatomical and energetic structures such as the spine, pelvis and jaw, "domes and bowls" in touch and movement. The exercises provide the framework to work with “what is”, the process, movement and expression, which wants to unwind and transform. This seminar is open for all participants. Price: € 240,- / TT's € 190,- (c) Chris Waikiki

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Contact Details


Kirchenweg 9, 3423 Sankt Andrä-Wördern, Österreich

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