visionary authentic moving
24.-26.1.2025 - Weekendworkshop - Authentic Movement Plus
Freie Plätze
In this open weekend workshop we will delve into the practice of Authentic Movement, supported by elements of visionary CranioSacralwork, Feldenkrais and Fascia work. Authentic Movement (AM) is a movement practice in which we explore inner impulses and express them through movement, dance and voice. We encounter the Self, others and the environment through a non-judgmental, compassionate attitude, giving space to "what is". AM allows us to "touch on" the inner body, visionary craniosacral work supports the quality of "coming to oneself" and can release deeply held tensions in the body. The special approach Authentic Movement in connection with touch methods, helps to open deeper layers of the anatomical, psycho-spiritual and creative body, to allow new forms of expression in dance, with the voice and in painting, and to embody our natural spirituality in the here and now. This workshop is open to all participants. Price: € 280.- / for TT's € 230.-
Bevorstehende Sessions
Kirchenweg 9, 3423 Sankt Andrä-Wördern, Österreich