Four Seeds and More
Many wisdom seekers, may they be buddhist teachers, neurobiologists, anatomists (especially those investigating fascia), cranio sacral...
Four Seeds and More
Blog: On the Ground of Being
Blog: Unwinding the Unknown
Podcast #22 Angela-Mara Florant
Blog: 2x7 - 14 years of Holistic Dance Institute
Podcast: Shinichi Iova Koga
Podcast Nr.19 Eva Karzcag Teil 1
Blog: It needs a Body
Podcast good Choices with Jurij Konjar
Blog: Craft or the Importance of Technique
Podcast Gregory Chevalier
Podcast Charlie Brittain
Podcast Good Choices with Sri Louise
Blog: Sensibility of interconnectedness
Infos: Coming home to the Body
Podcast Good Choices with Nita Little
Letting Go
Blog: Disillusionment or How things really are
Podcast Good Choices Matan Levkowich