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Holistic Dance Advanced Teachers Training (with Certificate)
withSabine Parzer and Guestteachers

Level of specialization
In the Holistic Dance Embodiment Training we deepen the holistic pedagogical and artistic skills we learned in the Teachers Training and expand them by focusing on these 6 global themes:

  • Nature

  • Touch

  • Archetypes

  • Communication

  • Intimacy

  • Healing

The awareness of connectivity of local and global topics such as body, psyche, art, sustainability, healing and spirituality allows us to deepen our knowledge on the somatic, energetic, spiritual, artistic and professional level.


For participants who, after a completion of the Teachers Training, wish to continue to explore embodiment, wholeness, sustainability and healing and integrate the explorations into their personal and professional practice.



Completion of the Holistic Dance Advanced Teachers Training. Participation can also be granted with special permission during the participation of a Teachers Training.


6 Modules within one year (30 days)

Each module can be booked independently and in an individual order. The modules will be held with other non-Advanced Teachers Training participants; you receive 3 additional group sessions of the sum of ca. 5 hours with other Advanced Teachers Training participants during the module on the specified topics and with in-depth counseling and pedagogical content, plus 1 online reflection session approximately 1,5 hours long, usually on the Thursday after each module (specific dates will be decided with the group).

It is recommended to complete the Holistic Dance Advanced Teachers Training within a 3 year period, exceptions to be arranged with the Institute.




  • Holistic Dance

    • Authentic Movement Plus

    • (Integrative) Contact Improvisation

    • Contemporary dance improvisation

    • Somatics - selected methods​

      • Systemic and Integrative Movement Theory

      • Feldenkrais Method

      • Shiatsu, Rolfing, Fascia Massage

      • Release Technology

      • Applied Anatomy

    • Elements of dance and art therapy

    • Dance in the nature

  • Ecosomatics- sustainability in the body/ body in sustainability

  • Embodied reflection: selected methods

      • systemic consulting
      • non-violent communication

        • Women Empowerment Coaching

        • Authentic witnessing




  • Experience embodiment as a lifelong, highly individual process

  • Exploring local and global issues related to the body, touch, art, sustainability and healing

  • Experience the interconnections of personal, professional and collective development

  • Developing new body images, promote self-confidence and self-acceptance

  • Helping people to make full use of their intuition, embodied knowledge and creativity

  • Experiencing, articulating and integrating somatic, inner-psychological, ecological and spiritual connections in professional contexts

  • Deepen the connection between the unconscious and conscious body

  • Body training and body awareness training

  • Deepening the different methods of Holistic Dance and understanding them as intra-, inter-, and trans-psychological processes

  • To complement and deepen Holistic Dance Pedagogy and expand it through the global themes



Module 1


  • Introduction and ritual with the new the group

  • Inner nature of the body - perceiving and expressing oneself

  • Relationhsip to environment/ space

  • Dancing/ moving/ being in Nature

  • ecosomatics: personal and political awareness

  • possibilities and restrictions of moving outdoors


Module 2



  • Movement as impulse for touch, touch as impulse for movement

  • Bodywork in the context of movement and dance

  • Anatomy of touch (who, when, how to touch)

  • Body systems (muscles, fasciae, fluids etc.) and their relationships

  • Pain and how to deal with it


Module 3


  • Tracking down archetypes within and expressing them in dance

  • Male/female archetypes - known and unknown

  • Embodiment instead of acting of archetypes

  • Symbols and rituals as archetypal treasure hunt

  • Celebrating transitions


Module 4



  • Body as a holistic communication instrument

  • Language as a source of movement, movement as a source of language

  • Voice as a means of expression

  • Non-judgmental language in a judgmental world

  • Technical literature and its connection to movement practice



Module 5



  • Closeness to self, others and the environment

  • Mindful and playful dealings with boundaries

  • Sensuality and sexuality (differentiation and connection) in the context of movement practice

  • Relationship and partnership issues in the context of movement practice

  • Riding the Tiger - Allowing and integrating wilderness


Module 6



  • Embodiment as a life-long process

  • Spiral movements of healing

  • Collective Consciousness/ Collective Healing

  • Anatomy of Transformation

  • The dancing path in a conscious body


Requirements for a certificate as Holistic Dance Advanced Teacher*in


  • Participation in all 6 live and 4 online modules

  • Write a personal report about each live module (3-5 pages)

  • Participation in peer group: 6x live and 4x online

  • 30 hours of self-organized lessons (2 protocols a' 2 pages)

  • Get at least 10 body therapy sessions (not included in the price)

  • Write 1 book from the book list together with the peer group and write a summary

  • Keep a body diary


Each module is dedicated to the process of the individual participants and the group with their personal, professional and collective issues, which become apparent during the modules and in life. This enables a highly sensitive, creative and non-invasive approach to appreciate "what is".


Individual counseling and support during and between the modules are available in consultation with the teaching staff.


A list of books relevant to the content will be provided.

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