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Touch Base

14.-16.03.2025 - Weekendworkshop - open for all

Beginnt am: 14. März 2025
€240,- / TT's €190,-
Prana Yoga Studio, Mariahilfer Str. 82, 1070 Wien, Austria

Freie Plätze


Workshop with Sabine Müller Contact Improvisation, Somatics, experiential anatomy, holistic bodywork to touch base with somebody: to make contact, to (re-)connect "To touch base with somebody" means to connect with someone and to find out how the other person is feeling. What could be more obvious than to take this expression literally - to make contact through touch and to communicate through touch? From a very early age, we use touch and movement to gather information and to access the world that surrounds us. It is first through touch that we get to know ourselves and others and learn something about our environment. Touch nourishes us and provides us with a sense of safety. So our "touch base" might also be our connection to the ground that carries us and our secure foundation from which we explore the world. In this workshop we will combine somatic movement and touch, simple bodywork, experiential anatomy and Contact Improvisation basics. Contact Improvisation takes us into a danced dialogue. We are in physical touch with our dance partner(s), but there are no fixed steps to guide us – instead, we find our dance through listening to the moment and to each other with our whole body. Our dances will be grounded in the “touch base”: a feeling of being anchored in our own bodies and being safely held in touch. Supporting each other allows us to become free to play and to curiously give ourselves to the dance as it arises in the moment. Contents: ● Contact with yourself: movement and body awareness as ways of knowing yourself ● Touch as our medium of meeting other people: What is the language of touch, how do we communicate through touch? ● Simple bodywork and experiential anatomy: This will give us a three-dimensional impression of the moving body and its possibilities – and it also feels good! ● Listening with our whole body in movement and stillness ● Basic Contact Improvisation skills: the floor as a dance partner, moving in all levels of space, leaning and reaching, moving with shared weight, rolling point, falling, landing and floating ● Dancing into contact, staying in contact and moving out of contact again; communicating readiness and boundaries ● Creating the dance together: going with the flow of improvisation open workshop, every-body welcome: Some prior experience in dance, improvisation or bodywork may be helpful but isn’t required. Price: € 240,- / TT's € 190,- (c) Daniel Kerbler

Bevorstehende Sessions



Kirchenweg 9, 3423 Sankt Andrä-Wördern, Österreich

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