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80 cards with dance, movement and touch exercises - alone or in pairs! Simple and accessible exercises to promote body awareness, creativity and flexibility.
Now also with an accompanying book!
The 80 cards of the Holistic Dance card set offer simple and accessible exercises to promote body awareness, creativity and flexibility. These exercises can be used for your everyday personal practice as well as for workshop teachers to integrate movement, touch and the liveliness of dance into their life and work. All exercises are suitable for people with and without dance experience.
5-10 minutes per exercise
with or without music
moving with dedication
in standing, sitting or lying position
with ease
moving with the breath
The book with accompanying texts complements the card set by offering
contentual, anatomical and image-based explanations
suggestions for matching exercises
in-depth reflections on the healing approach to dance, movement and touch.
The card set and the accompanying texts are available in German and English in the print version.
4 sample pages form carset to click

4 sample pages from book to click

Texts, Concept & Production by Sabine Parzer
Illustrations by Tanja Smioski
Graphic Design by Irmgard Stelzer
Proofreading: Sabine Müller
Print: Gugler Druck (ecoprint)
I love ...
... the focuses selected and the choice of words are excellent. The artwork is gorgeous.
bodypsychotherapist, contact improvisation and yoga teacher

so all around haptic-optical-textual-dancing-successful
speech therapist and poet