Holistic Dance is an invitation to transformation through dance, movement and touch. Holistic Dance creates a connection between the inside (soma) and the outside (physis). We can experience lightness in depth, connectivity and healing on physical, mental and spiritual levels.
We work with a dynamic, cross-method approach from dance pedagogical, dance- and body therapeutic, systemic and holistic methods.
Authentic Movement Plus, Integrative Contact Improvisation, Somatics & Applied Anatomy, Contemporary Dance Improvisation, Ecosomatics and many other elements can be found in this approach.
Sabine has an approach to teaching . . .
... that is comprehensive. From her experiences in clinical, educational, and institutional settings, her years of experience as a contemporary dancer and choreographer she brings a well-rounded approach that includes the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ones' being into her teaching. I would highly recommend taking a class from Sabine.
Performer, Contact Improvisation + Shiatsu teacher